It has been a very long time since my last post, but I am sure regular readers have been busy, with far too little time to read about my exploits. Yes, it is the holiday season and with Christmas' passing about a week and tomorrow being New Year's day, I wanted to take a little break to wish everyone a Happy New Year. No poem this time, sorry. I am in Dallas at the moment visiting with family and friends and putting an end to one incredible year. 2008 was the beginning of so many wonderful chapters and I hope it's end will close so many horrible ones. Everyone seems to be going through the motions while anticipating a brighter future. I feel this way. Spending time with my family over the past week has opened my eyes to gratefulness, mortality, love and reconciliation. I look forward to the possibilities of the coming year, even though nothing is certain. I hope to improve and progress. I hope to continue the life I have created for myself in Paris. I hope to enjoy more and simply relax. I hope to be a better friend, son, partner and example to everyone close to me. I hope to be a better artist, writer and thinker. I hope to be a better student and teacher. I hope to be brave and courageous. I hope to be more patient, understanding and considerate. All this hoping, I hope, amounts to something in the end. As the year goes on, I will practice and rely on these hopes. These are not simple resolutions but goals for the rest of my life. They are perpetual resolutions, I guess, and each year they start again. 2008 has been an incredible year and I truly look forward to 2009. Soon I will be back in Paris with a renewed sense of priority, gratitude and focus. Cheers to all and I will see you soon in the City of Light.