Monday, April 27, 2009

Spring Visits

I have mentioned in another post that it is nice when a friend visits. I had a particularly nice visit from a dear friend last week. She is very much like a sister to me and this being her second visit to Paris, wanted to have a different experience than the first. She seemed more interested in the normal goings on, going to places I go to, eating where I eat and catching the usual cultural even here and there. She stayed with me and Alain and since we visit sights, so did she. Since we go to parks, so did she. Since we meet with friends for dinner, so did she. For the 5 days she was here she lived as we do, sans the usual film going. It is not always the most relaxed time having someone over to stay because you constantly wonder, if they are enjoying themselves. Sure, you can ask, but politeness colors your acceptance and you fear the person is just being polite by saying "yes". In Paris it is sometimes good to plan, which can be difficult for some people. This is a city where you have to assume others are thinking like you, or else you will arrive to a restaurant and not get a table, go to a museum and find a huge line. That is no fun. We planned the basics and just let the other things happen. My friend had a day to herself to go and explore, shop at her favorite vintage shop (praying the whole way it was still there) and possibly catch the eye of some lonely artist (Yes, they do exist outside Hollywood movies). The last day was a chateau day, having gone to see Fountainbleau and Vaux-le-Vicomte. At the end of her trip she told me it was one of her best ever and I don't believe she was just being polite.


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